... to Emergency and Crime Victims

... to a Shock-Trauma Patient

... to Women in Crisis Pregnancies

Our Service Club makes blankets for the Kings County Sheriff's Office, to be distributed to emergency and crime victims.

Each year our school "Walks for Life" to benefit our community crisis pregnancy center — Crossroads Pregnancy Center. At this event students have an opportunity to learn about the development of a baby in its mother's womb. We pray for all mothers and fathers and pre-born babies. Then we march as a witness to the community.

... to Developmentally Disabled Students

We received a letter from a mom-advocate for Shelly Baird students at public schools. They are in need of recess equipment. We have just started a "please donate gently-used play equipment" drive. Please feel free to drop off your donation at our school office. 

Reaching Out ...

St. Rose-McCarthy Catholic School

Many of our students wrote letters of encouragement to patients at a shock-trauma center. One of the burn patients made a video of the letters. I saw letters from Jaya, Caylee, Curtis, Cal, Tyler ... I could have missed some others. Thank you, students, for writing letters so full of love. I know you made a difference! Mrs. Perkins

Hello Mrs. Perkins, 

I’m writing to share with you where some of the letters of love the students wrote this past spring ended up. Shannon shared this video with me from one of the patients from the shock trauma center, who she also happened to know from high school. The video is of the patient opening and reading some of the letters she received from the students.

Have a tissue ready!

With Love, 